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Kratovo, Macedonia – aerial view

Kratovo (Macedonian: Кратово) is a small town in Macedonia. It lies on the western slopes of Mount Osogovo at an altitude of 600 metres above sea level. Having a mild and pleasant climate, it is located in the crater of an extinct volcano. It is known for its bridges and towers.

One of its symbols are its stone towers.

Once there were twelve of them, but now there are only six towers remaining (Saat or Clock Tower, Simić, Krstev, Eminbeg, Zlatković and Hadži Kostov Tower). The towers were built in late Middle Ages, starting from late 14th century and were used not only for protection but also as storage rooms.

The Kratovo bridges are another characteristic of this town made by old masters.

The intensive communication of the people in the city of Kratovo has inevitably contributed to the construction of bridges of Kratovska and Manceva Reka. The Kratovo bridges represent an appropriate expression of the construction in the Turkish period in our country. The centuries-old building experiences of the Turkish-Slav construction were interwoven in them. These are bridges with a slender line, with a main arch, with a precisely designed archivolata and have an emphasized decorative line. With the restoration of crafts and trade in the 19th century, there was a need for the construction of new bridges in the city. Divided around the bazaar, along with the towers, the bridges give the city a medieval character and an ambience of a city-museum. The bridges are built of carved stone, in the shape of an arch. The most famous is Rada’s Bridge, but Grofcanski, Bazaar, Yorkshire, Argulicki and Gornomaalski Bridge inspire with their exquisiteness, as well.

The town has unique and interesting architecture from the 19th century and a unique Art gallery of children’s drawings, with pictures by Kratovo children which have won numerous prizes at different international exhibitions.

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