Dojran lake – The richest lake in fish in Europe
Dojran Lake is exelent place for travel and fishing
Due to the lake 15 types of fish, (of which famous are kostreš, plašica, carp, sheath-fish) and water grass (algi), the Dojran lake enters the list of world’s rarities due to its special features. Dojran lake is the richest lake in fish in Europe. The ancient way of fishing with the assistance of birds (kormorans) and gratings practiced here is very interesting. A similar method of fishing exist only in distant China, and is carried out during the winter. Here on Dojran lake, the notorious Dojran fishermen still fish in a very special traditional way – by the help of birds, a special type of birds called Cormorants. Lake Dojran is also rich in vegetation. The algae that generate and emit iodine must be mentioned, as they make the water suitable for balneal therapy.